Lil Obeah & Marius Costache
Photography by Cristina Moran; Collage by Cristiana Bucureci
It was Count Dubulah, Nick Plato Page, aka the Dub Colossus, who taught Lil Obeah that VERSION is the KEY! Socially and politically, VERSION has created the necessary cultural environment for people of all races and classes to develop and add layers to the historic fabric of music and art. Through Nick, Lil Obeah understood a song is a blank canvas open to renewal each time you want to revisit it and that it has to reflect the times we are living. When we worked together on Vraja and Tacerea, each of our songs had four versions, and Nick encouraged me to start the platform to release them myself. I owe Count Dubulah the foundation of the now 3-year-old label, Sound of Art to Come.
Lil Obeah and Marius Costache of Studio148 had the privilege to remix Dub Colossus, anti-politricks anthem Madmen, the only composition in their beautiful catalog with Nick Plato Page, aka Count Dubulah’s vocals. They launched the remix on Bandcamp Friday, celebrating what would have been Nick’s 63 birthday. THE MAD MADMEN, THE MADMEN, THE MADMEN RULE MY LIFE!
“I loved this song from the first listen, and bringing it into space with Marius Costache, my co-producer and collaborator, is one big honor.” – Lil Obeah