Respect | Miss Lulú
Photography By: Rasta Fanny
Lucero Solares a.k.a. Miss Lulú was born in Tijuana, Mexico in 1988. She grew up with a musician as a father a bohemian guitarist and singer. Around the age of 12 she took his musical tastes and awareness and focused them solely on reggae. She began her musical career in 2007 at her university, becoming a radio conductor and the first woman producer of a television program devoted to reggae in her city, bringing to Mexico for the first time artists like Million Stylez & I Nesta.
She has continued with her project MUNDO REGGAE which was lead her to become a promoter, collector and dj, she is a founding member of Bocina Blasting Sound that has participated in major music festivals presenting, opening & sharing the stage with artists like Michael Rose, Ranking Joe, Ky-Mani Marley, Balaguero, Gondwana, Culture Prophetic, Derrick Parker, Mr. Williamz and more.
Her music collection being mainly vinyl includes New Roots, Digital & Early Dancehall that focuses on female reggae singers. She currently coordinates one of the only monthly sound system nights in Tijuana, Mexico and transmits a live radio show every sunday on!
Miss Lulú recently celebrated her 100 episode of MundoREGGAE Show featuring Ranking Joe, Balaguero and Sammy Roots.
Dread & Alive: Nine Night™
In Dread & Alive: Nine Night, MissLulú becomes an official comic book character in the series, appearing as the Radio DJ of a reggae station in the City. MissLulú will become the voice of Nine Night!