Category Archives: 2017

Reggae | Ras Midas

Ras Midas The Musical Prophet Singer, songwriter, performing and recording artist, composer and producer, Ras [...]

Respect | Kingfisha

Kingfisha Internationally renowned dub aficionados KINGFISHA stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the world’s best proponents of the [...]

Respect | Nex Chapta

Nex Chapta Meet Nex Chapta™… hailing from the twin island country of Trinidad and Tobago. [...]

Respect | 9 Mile Roots

9 Mile Roots When you think of the band, 9 Mile Roots, you immediately think [...]

Respect | Raynbird

Raynbird Raynbird, aka Rayner, is a self taught multi instrumentalist, composer, producer and photographer. He [...]

Respect | Chala

Chala Based on the island of Maui, the band CHALA is a collective of extremely [...]

Respect | Aima Moses

Aima Moses Aima Moses hails directly out of Dominica, the humble West Indies country of [...]

Releases | AAA Badboy

AAA Badboy Struggle & Sunshine (Reggae Revolution Pt. II) Although known for playing many different [...]

Roots | A Day Without A Woman

A Day Without A Woman March 8, 2017 Women protested around the world on Wednesday [...]

Rock | ContraBanned

ContraBanned Travel Ban Bands Bands with diaspora from the seven Muslim-majority countries on U.S. President [...]

Reggae | Sister Carol

Sister Carol Mother Culture Sister Carol was born Carole Theresa East, January 15, 1959, in Kingston, Jamaica. She [...]

Respect | Nakeeba Amaniyea

Nakeeba Amaniyea Early exposure to the music industry only intrigued and enhanced the musical artistry [...]