Tag Archives: Legalize It

Roots | Legalize It

Roots | Legalize It 1

Legalize It A History of Hemp (and Marijuana) When President Barack Obama signed the Farm Bill of 2013 on February 7, 2014, it was a small but significant step towards the legalization of hemp across the United States. The bill defined industrial hemp, excluding it from the definition of Marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. […]

Roots | Dr K’adamawe K’nIfe

Irie Magazine | April '420' 2016 World Reggae Issue - Roots - Dr K’adamawe K’nIfe

Dr K’adamawe K’nIfe Legalize it! ‘Dr K’nIfe’ talks marijuana laws, economic benefits and more It’s almost exactly a year since the Jamaican government passed the Dangerous Drugs Amendment Act on April 15, 2015, a bill that saw the decriminalisation of marijuana in the country. The Act postulated that possession of the plant is no longer […]