Tag Archives: Hemp

Roots | Legalize It

Roots | Legalize It 1

Legalize It A History of Hemp (and Marijuana) When President Barack Obama signed the Farm Bill of 2013 on February 7, 2014, it was a small but significant step towards the legalization of hemp across the United States. The bill defined industrial hemp, excluding it from the definition of Marijuana in the Controlled Substances Act. […]

Roots | The Chronicles of Kaya

Roots | The Chronicles of Kaya 2

The Chronicles of Kaya A History of Hemp & Marijuana Here’s a fact: Hemp and Marijuana both come from the same plant; its scientific name is ‘Cannabis Sativa’. For thousands of years hemp was used to make dozens of commercial products like paper, rope, canvas, and textiles. U.S. Presidents and founding fathers George Washington and […]

Roots | The Chronicles of Kaya

Irie Magazine | April '420' 2016 World Reggae Issue - Roots - The Chronicles of Kaya

The Chronicles of Kaya A History of Hemp and Marijuana “Music and herb go together. It’s been a long time now I smoke herb. From 1960s, when I first start singing.” BOB MARLEY, Jamaican Singer, Musician & Songwriter What is The Chronicles of Kaya The Chronicles of Kaya is a mixed media project from IRIE […]

Rock | Hemp and Marijuana

Irie Magazine | April '420' 2016 Cali Reggae Issue - Rock - Hemp and Marijuana

Hemp and Marijuana Facts an’ T’ings “I don’t know if hemp is gonna save the world but i’ll tell you this, it is the only thing that can..” JACK HERER, American Cannabis Activist/Author (1939–2010) Here’s a fact: Hemp and Marijuana both come from the same plant; its scientific name is ‘Cannabis Sativa’. For thousands of […]