Hillsman Organics
Forever Growing
Hillsman Organics is a 100% organic store that sells organic teas, herbs and spices grown and produced in Bellevue district in the region of The Blue and John Crow mountains of Portland, Jamaica. Hillsman Organics was founded by Kevor ‘Var’ Williams and his family.
Hillsman Organics seeks to empower their community by creating more jobs and entrepreneurs that will move their community to a safer, more self-sufficient and self-maintained place for the generation today and the generation to follow. They are promoting the spirit of sharing, caring and unity for all humanity. Their doors are always open and there is always enough to share as they are always and forever growing…
Farming Practice
Hillsman Organics has maintained certain traditional farming practices by reaping and planting according to the moon phases as they seek to give their customers the best quality as well the experience of ancient African farming practices that has been a part of Jamaica’s culture for hundreds of years. Hillsman Organics takes care in their processes to ensure they prepare quality products.
Kevor ‘Var’ Williams is also known as a singer and songwriter. Former lead singer of Pentateuch, he is a touring guest with reggae collective Inna De Yard. Through his conscious music, he is promoting a sense of roots and culture that is ingrained in his identity. His heritage has guided his deep consciousness fulfilled by organic farming and natural living.
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