Foresta & Royal Blu
The promising collaboration of German music producer Foresta and Jamaican Singer Royal Blu disembogues in a versatile EP titled Sing With God. After a sneak peek with their single Believe last year August the two artists now present their five track strong record as a result of an inspiring journey.
Sing With God provides an alternative concept to the far more known saying ‘Dance with the Devil’. Rather than a religious notion, it describes a positive abstraction while also talking about the ‘downs of life’. To Sing With God means to align yourself with positivity – to bring good into the world for the purpose of pushing progress. The title track – with feature guest Runkus – itself describes the connection and interaction between these two poles with strong and vivid images that upon closer inspection present enigmas that leave room for a listener’s own interpretation.
All tracks were recorded at Quik Keyz’s Studio in Kingston, Jamaica over the past two years during Foresta’s multiple visits on the island:
‘The process of creating the EP was really new and refreshing for me. It also helps that Foresta and I became genuine friends the more we were around each other. So that made the music and the process even more organic’
‘It was an amazing time. During the sessions a lot of people would just swing by the studio being curious to see what we are working on and to share vibes or input. I met a lot of new faces.’
Look for Foresta & Royal Blu on the cover of the January 2018 World Reggae edition of IRIE!
Foresta Official Website: