Paige K Parsons

IRIE | ROCK - Paige K Parsons

Meet Paige K Parsons, a freelance photographer specializing in live music, portrait and event photography. Paige is available for music photography and portrait photography assignments in her home of the San Francisco Bay and for travel world wide. She can be reached via email at [email protected].

Paige draws inspiration from the people and music she loves and is passionate about capturing the essence of connection. Her photography is about serendipity, ephemeral moments, and conveying the emotion and interaction of the human connection through live performance.

Paige has photographed hundreds of bands over the past twenty years and has shot dozens of music festivals across the world, including BST Hyde Park, Bottle Rock, Lollapalooza, Sasquatch, Outside Lands, and Stern Grove.

She graduated from MIT with a BS in Art and Design. Her work has been exhibited throughout the world, and she has had several permanent solo exhibitions. Their quest is to end the suffering, abuse, and exploitation of all rabbits through education and advocacy. Foundation

In 1994, Paige, who has been a house rabbit educator for over 25 years, designed and created It has become the home of the most trusted rabbit information on the Internet.

Their quest is to end the suffering, abuse, and exploitation of all rabbits through education and advocacy. Their philosophy is rooted in the belief that rabbits are intelligent and social animals who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. They are dedicated to working toward a future where all domestic rabbits are given the care and attention they deserve, and all wild rabbits have a safe and sustainable habitat in which to thrive.

On September 25, 2024, had a major win when Petco announced its decision to cease all rabbit sales in its stores. Petco cited feedback from nationwide animal rescue and welfare organizations as pivotal in its decision.

“This is a pivotal moment in protecting these delicate animals from neglect and exploitation,” said Paige K. Parsons, founder and president of “It underscores the power of collective action and reinforces the importance of ‘adopt, don’t shop’ to ensure the welfare of rabbits.”


A Quest for Joy

On March 10, 2018, Paige was invited to give an 8 minute “lightning talk” at The MIT Women’s unConference in Cambridge, Massachusett.

Her Creed

I want my photography to remind you that you are not alone. I hope that when you see my pictures, you feel connected to others. I focus on music because music cuts through our cynicism and breaks down the barriers that we erect between ourselves and the rest of the world.

I also want my photography to remind you to be brave. I believe kind people are brave people. Brave isn’t just a feeling – it’s a decision. A decision to show up. A decision that compassion is more important than fear, more important than fitting in, more important than following the crowd. As a woman, I found out late in life that one of the bravest things you can do in our society is to be kind to yourself.

Finally, I want my photography to remind you to listen to your heart – your intuition. It’s all too easy to try and stuff down our feelings and to make decisions based on the needs and desires of other people. Don’t base your life solely on things the world says you “should” and “must” do. I want to challenge you to be open to listening to both your head and your heart.

It’s not an “either-or.” It’s a “both-and.” By listening to both your head and your heart you are being a brave and responsible person. When you are authentic and true to yourself, you can bring your singular uniqueness into the world. You can also serve as example for your kids, for your mentees, for the many people around you.

We all have a choice about where we invest our attention and effort.
It is through our shared empathy and action that we can change the world.


2024 Stern Grove Festival (June 23 – August 25)

