Dub Pistols Remix Selection
Stand Together ft. Rhoda Dakar
Yes, I! The Dub Pistols Remix Selections are officially in! IRIE would like to join Dubmatix in thanking everyone for sending in their remixes for the Dub Pistols Remix. IRIE would also like to BIG UP Dubmatix (Canada) along with Dub Pistols’ Barry Ashworth (UK), Culture Dub (France), and Irie Ites Magazine (Germany) for helping spread the word and selecting the final tracks.
Dub Pistols Remix Selection
The Dub Pistols coalesced in the mid-’90s and initially surfed the big beat wave along with acts like the Chemical Brothers and Fatboy Slim. They had chart hits like ‘Cyclone’ and ‘There’s Gonna Be A Riot’ on Concrete Records, remixed the likes of Moby and LimpBizkit, and made dramatic inroads into America.
Their debut album ‘Point Blank’, cemented their position as party-rockers extraordinaire, and by the time it came to their second album around the ‘Six Million Ways To Live’, with guest vocals by reggae great Horace Andy and lead singer of The Specials, Terry Hall — they were more concerned with some of the world’s problems. Learn more about the Dub Pistols by visiting their official site at: