Who me a beg
‘Who me a beg’ is the latest move of G-INA (Gabriella In-Albon), bassist, vocalist, and music composer.
Her lyrics are honest, personal, and taken from life. In ‘Who me a beg’, she would like to broach the issue of
the countless assassinations in Jamaica.
Who me a beg

Release Date: May 26, 2020
Label: Spinnup
Copyright: 2020 G-INA
Total Length: 03:49
Total Tracks: 1
Format: Single
Genre: Reggae
‘Who me a beg’ is the first single of Gabriella’s solo project in collaboration with Umberto Echo, a German Record Producer.
Gabriella (G-INA) studied performing arts, focused on dance in London and New York.
On a visit to Jamaica, she fell in love with the island, the people and the Jamaican Music.
After an accident, she started composing and recording songs autonomous and independently from commercial labels.
She then founded the band G-INA and started performing live.
G-INA is working on an EP with 6 additional tracks to be released next month.
Official Website:
LISTEN to IRIE on Spotify Playlist | IRIE on SPOTIFY – July 2020
LISTEN to G-INA on Spotify | G-INA on SPOTIFY