Dread & Alive®
Nine Night™
Dread & Alive® is a Jamaican-inspired mixed-media series spanning comic books, novels and music created and written by Nicholas Da Silva (founder & editor-in-chief of IRIE) and published by ZOOLOOK.
His work with Dread & Alive® meshes cultural fact with fiction while introducing the Maroons of Jamaica, who resisted against enslavement by the british, and their ancestors, the Akan and Asante (Ashanti) People of present-day Ghana.
In Dread & Alive, the protagonist, Drew McIntosh, sets out to defeat an antagonistic force in the form of a powerful Obeahman… Shadowcatcher. The series main story arc is called From Babylon to Zion.
Nicholas aka ‘Nico’ is currently working on the next story arc of Dread & Alive entitled Nine Night™. In this episodic series, Nine-Night (aka the ‘dead yard’ or ‘set up’), the funerary tradition or wake in Jamaica, takes on a whole new meaning when Shadowcatcher descends upon The City, seeking divine retribution against his brother, Cudjoe, the Myalman, and to possess the soul of his apprentice, Drew McIntosh, and take back his amulet.
The Dread & Alive series introduces several new characters to the story arc; important characters that are inspired by artists in the reggae industry.
They include the Roots, Dub, and Reggae artiste, Xana Romeo; Reggae DJ and Sound System Culture Enthusiast, Miss Lulú; Reggae Selector and founder / inventor of Ziggi Earthwide, Ziggi Man (Dubtafari Sound); Activist, Founder and Vocal Singer of Alerta Kamarada, Javier Fonseca; Christos DC & Darryl ‘Trane’ Burke of Honest Music; and Michelle and Nico of IRIE Magazine!
Fans of the Dread & Alive series can actually get involved by becoming an extra in the series. To do so, visit our Crowdfund page on the official Dread & Alive site at the url below:
Dread & Alive® Crowdfund: Dreadandalive.com/Join