Tag Archives: House of Riddim

RIDDIM | House of Riddim

Irie Magazine | Riddims | House of Riddim & Impacto MC

House of Riddims August 2018 Austria’s reggae band House of Riddim records a global riddim project featuring friends and singers from all over the world. From Albania to Zimbabwe hear these artists singing in their native tongue. Across all borders music is the universal language! Official Website: HouseofRiddim.com

RIDDIM | House of Riddim & Impacto MC

Irie Magazine | Riddims | House of Riddim & Impacto MC

House of Riddims Impacto MC – Vivir en Paz Austria’s reggae band House of Riddim records a global riddim project featuring friends and singers from all over the world. From Albania to Zimbabwe hear these artists singing in their native tongue. Across all borders music is the universal language!

Irie Magazine’s World Reggae Issue (#05-03) Available Now!

Irie™ Magazine | Press Release - March 2018 World Reggae Edition #05-03 featuring Miss Lulú

WORLDWIDE – March 15, 2018 – 4:20 pm